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Regular price Rs. 16,000.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 16,000.00
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The front pose of Buddha in artwork is one of the most iconic and revered representations in religious and spiritual art. This pose captures the Buddha in his full, serene presence, often symbolizing his teachings, compassion, and the state of enlightenment. The frontal depiction of Buddha is commonly associated with meditation, teaching, and blessing postures, each carrying deep symbolic meanings that resonate with followers and admirers across cultures.

The front pose of Lord Buddha is not just an artistic representation but a powerful spiritual symbol that resonates with people across cultures and religions. It serves as a visual reminder of the Buddha's teachings on mindfulness, compassion, and the path to enlightenment. Whether placed in homes, temples, or meditation spaces, this depiction of the Buddha provides a focal point for reflection, meditation, and spiritual practice.

The artwork of Lord Buddha in a front pose is a timeless and universal symbol of spiritual wisdom, peace, and enlightenment. Whether depicted in meditation, teaching, or blessing postures, the front pose captures the essence of the Buddha's teachings and his serene, compassionate nature. This image continues to inspire and uplift people around the world, embodying the enduring values of mindfulness, compassion, and the pursuit of spiritual liberation.

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Hindu Art Collection

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Buddhist Art Collection

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